react toastify

Using React Toastify in Next Js / React

React Toastify lets you add toast/notifications to your application within minutes, and using it is relatively easy. It provides so much customization that you feel like it’s an…

How To Use Tailwind CSS in Simple HTML projects

Tailwind is Utility First CSS Library used for rapidly developing web applications, it eliminates the need of writing pure CSS and has a utility class for almost every…

Placeholder Images For Your Website using Picsum

When we are developing or designing our website, we may need to find some placeholder images to put on our website until the actual image is ready. There…

How to Create Your First Chrome Extension

There are around 200 thousand Chrome extensions already available for all kinds of situations so what might be the reason to develop your own new Chrome extension, well…

responsive navbar using tailwind css

Create a Responsive Navbar using Tailwind CSS

In this tutorial, we will see how we can create a simple responsive Navbar or Header using only Tailwind CSS. For this tutorial, we are going to set…

tailwind sidebar preview

Tailwind Sidebar Navigation Menu

Source Code Tailwind CSS is a great UI framework for designing and building websites faster, we can quickly implement different components in a short time using Tailwind CSS….

animated hamburger preview

How to create an Animated Toggle Button with CSS

In this tutorial we are going to create an animated Hamburger Navigation Toggle Button with HTML, CSS and little bit of JS Source Code on GitHub

responsive grid in tilwind css preview

How To Create A Responsive Grid Layout With Tailwind CSS

It is very easy to create responsive layouts in Tailwind CSS, and it makes most of the CSS concepts easier to implement, creating a responsive grid can be…