Mantine UI in Nextjs Setup Guide

Mantine is a React components library that offers a wide range of customizable components and hooks, designed to help you build fully functional and accessible web applications quickly….

Google Analytics in Nextjs

Add Google Analytics in Nextjs with Quickest Method

Vercel has recently been adding a feature called the third-party library, which allows us to integrate various third-party tools like Google Analytics in the most performant way possible…

Using Notistack in Nextjs | React js

Showing toast messages in react apps is a common feature to add, as it’s one of the quickest ways to give feedback to users. There are many toast…

Using React Feather Icons in Next js

Feather Icons is a collection of sleek and beautiful icons that you can use in your projects in different ways and integrate seamlessly with React-based applications. To use…

find unused npm packages

Find and Remove Unused NPM Packages from Your Project

While building apps in an NPM environment it’s easy to accumulate lots of NPM packages in our app that we don’t even need, these package slows down our…

Using Bootstrap Icons in Next js | React

Bootstrap Icons is a Free, high-quality, open-source icon library with over 2,000 icons. You can use them as you like SVGs, SVG sprite, or web fonts. We can…

Delete Node Modules Like a PRO

You might have heard the joke that node_modules is the heaviest object in the universe. So node modules are good or bad, I do not know maybe it’s…

Carousel in React/Nextjs with react-responsive-carousel

Carousels are very common elements used on websites to show sliding cards you can see below Carousels can have different styles, layouts, sizes, and behaviors like autoscrolling and…

10 Games To Learn CSS

Learning CSS can be very challenging because the journey to master CSS is very long and time-consuming, there are no shortcuts but still, we can make this journey…